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Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.
When data is not readily available, a lot of time is spent searching for data, the reliability of that data, and also the manual entry of data. This could lead to errors, repetition, and bad data as a whole, making poor decisions.
Before collecting data, wrangling it, and performing any form of analysis; Data Scientists have to understand the problem that needs to be solved. They are the scientists of data, so they will be the ones reconstructing it to find the solution; so it is imperative they have a good understanding of the issue.
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Kate Platonova
Potenti fusce himenaeos hac aenean quis donec vivamus aliquet, wprdpress integer inceptos curae sollicitudin in class sociosqu netus, euismod tempus fermentum odio gravida eleifend viverra pulvinar inceptos ligula consectetur.
The problems caused are:
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